Robert Hurt, online


Upcoming Services

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What topics will be covered in this program?

The topics covered in the virtual workshops: Multiplication and division of 1s-12s, Fractions (and conversions into decimals & percentages), Angles & Coordinate Graphs, Place Value, Scientific Notation, Area of 2-D Shapes, Pythagorean Theorem, Trigonometry Basics


2. What is the schedule for this program?

Daily at 9:00 - Virtual workshops at your discretion

Daily format for virtual workshops:

Module 1: Multiplication tables - 42 problems in 3 minutes

Module 2: Division tables - 42 problems in 3 minutes

Module 3: Converting common fractions into decimals & percentages - 8 problems in 2 minutes

Module 4: Main lesson(s) of the day (see below) - 2-5 minutes

Review of correct answers - 10-20 minutes

Main lessons are as follows:

Mondays - Fractions & Place Value/Scientific Notation

Tuesdays - Area of 2-D Shapes & Angles

Wednesdays - Pythagorean Theorem

Thursdays - Trigonometric Functions

Fridays - All topics


3. My child is in the 4th or 5th grade. Can they sign up?


Yes. There may be some background information that they need to know, but I explain things in a very simple manner. As long as they keep an open mind, they will be able to follow me. I often teach 5th graders how to work trigonometric functions, so it will be a breeze.



4. My child is in high school but they are behind. Can they sign up?


Yes. That student would actually be the perfect person to be in these workshops. Please tell them to come to each session early.


5. Will there be replays of each session?


No, but I may keep the replay up for the rest of the day.


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