Robert Hurt, online


Professional Development Outline:

Brief background: Robert Hurt Solutions has served 2,000+ students at 600+ schools and has consistently seen ACT Math section score increases of at least 2-4 points since 2014. Data found here:

A Professional Development workshop from Robert Hurt Solutions equips educators to create their own ACT Math assessments and facilitate their own workshops to produce ACT Math score increases on demand. Teachers are challenged to verbally engage in each section to increase retention and comprehension.

Professional Development services will leave each educator with a complete unique assessment that will be used as the content for their own ACT Math workshop. Below is the breakdown of a PD session:

The ingredients of a successful ACT Math workshop

Day one: 9AM-12PM, local time

A. Best Practices & Your Pedagogical Approach
Each educator has to know the best practices on ACT Math to ensure their assessments' and workshops' psychological approach can consistently and proficiently increase student engagement, which will, in turn, increase student ACT scores.

Each educator will also learn classical pedagogical approaches and contrast with personal approaches to craft a unique experience for students. Each approach will also be outlined in its necessity in the details of the assessment and/or workshop.

B. Deep Thinking vs. Realistic Thinking
Each educator has to know the advantages and disadvantages of deep (critical) thinking and realistic thinking in relation to the ACT exam. Unlike classical education, standardized testing education has a sharply different methodology that drives results. 

C. Releasing Hope To Students
Underperforming students typically approach ACT Math workshops with an inherent level of pessisism and fear. This section will teach the role of the assessments' question and answer psychology and how it plays into generating hope and optimism to students. 

D. Challenging Small Spurts of Engagement
Students who are underperforming on the ACT Math section may not have the fuel to engage the content and instruction in a manner that will garner increased results. When workshop participants are not dialoguing, retention and comprehension are likely to result in lower measures than desired.

E. New Approach vs. New Energy
Educators have to know when to pivot from executing a different method and introducing a different voice to their students. A new approach can sharpen a educator's professional acumen at the expense of time and resource. In crucial times, these resources cannot be exhausted; new energy (a new representative) is best utilized for effectiveness and efficiency.

F. Developing Custom Content
In this two-part section, educators spend the last 60 minutes reviewing my personal assessment and psychological/pedagogical approach used behind each question and answer. Educators will use this section to create their own custom content, which includes real-time creation and critique of 12 questions across 12 topics that students greatly struggle with on the ACT Math section. 

(Optional) Day two: 9AM - 11AM, local time
In day two, each educator will return to build a full custom assessment that covers at least 12 topics. Additional assessments' questions will join two or more topics to build upon math basics that are taught in preliminary assessments.

Live trainings will be emailed on additional topics that cover areas in Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry.

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