Robert Hurt, online


Refund Eligibility Criteria

Robert Hurt Solutions has consulting services that are poised for high-need areas such as math, english & reading, standardized testing, and professional development at the high school level. 

$1,000 refund eligibility criteria

To receive $1,000 refund of services, customer must show a good-faith effort by completing the following tasks and send all supporting documentation and emails to consultant (Robert Hurt Solutions) at "" for eligibility determination:

1. Customer must have paid full price for the $1,000 program before June 16, 2024.

2. Customer must have at least 3 consecutive years of experience in at least one of the high-need areas (math, english & reading, standardized testing, and professional development) at high-school level. This must be communicated to "" within 24 hours of product purchase.

3. Customer must complete tasks within set timing. Answers must be sent to "".

3a. Phase 1 answers must be submitted within 72 hours of purchase.

3b. Phase 2 answers must be submitted within 6 months of purchase.

3c. Phase 3 answers must be submitted within 72 hours of timely submission of Phase 1 answers

4. Customer must submit "School Board Calendars" of districts they would like to serve. Calendars must be submitted within 6 months of purchase.

5. Customer must physically attend at least 6 months of board meetings. Physical agendas must be submitted through email within 24 hours of each board meeting.

6. Customer must routinely email professional packet of services to least 12 different districts in high need of customer's services within 8 months of purchase. (Consultant will assist in the creation of the professional packet of services)

6a. 100% of district responses must be replied to within a 24-hour period.

6b. At least 90% of agreed-upon proposals (but not yet signed) must be accepted by customer; these proposals should then be signed as contracts. All signed contracts must be forwarded to consultant.

6c. 100% of signed contracts must be performed.

7. Customer must execute all ad-hoc assignments meant to garner engagement in a timely manner (within 24 hours)

Refund policy

All eligible refunds will be given in a $1,000 lumpsum within 24 hours of eligibility determination.

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